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Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Embedded Systems are inseparable part of our life. Whether we are at home or office or on the move, we are always surrounded by embedded systems. Starting from home appliances like TV, washing machine and systems like printer and elevator in workplace to the automobiles and automatic traffic control system are all examples of embedded systems. All kinds of magazines and journals regularly dish out details about latest technologies, new devices; fast applications which make us believe that our basic survival is controlled by these embedded products.

Download Embeddeed system PDF

ANTENNA THEORY: Analysis and Design by Constantine A. Balanis

The book's main objective is to introduce, in a unified manner, the fundamental principles of antenna theory and to apply them to the analysis, design, and measurements of antennas. Because there are so many methods of analysis and design and a plethora of antenna structures, applications are made to some of the most basic and practical configurations, such as linear dipoles; loops; arrays; broadband, and frequency-independent antennas; aperture antennas; horn antennas; microstrip antennas; and reflector antennas.
Chapter -1 Antennas.
Chapter - 2 Fundamental Parameters of
Chapter - 3 Radiation Integrals and
Auxiliary Potential Functions.
Chapter - 4 Linear Wire Antennas.
Chapter - 5 Loop Antennas
Chapter - 6 Arrays: Linear, Planar and
Chapter - 7 Antenna Synthesis and
Continuous Sources.
Chapter - 8 Integral Equations, Moment Method, and Self and
Mutual Impedances.
Chapter - 9 Broadband Dipoles and Matching Techniques.
Chapter -10 Traveling Waves and Broadband Antennas.
Chapter -11 Frequency Independent Antennas and Antenna
Chapter -12 Aperture Antennas.
Chapter -13 Horn Antennas.
Chapter -14 Microstrip Antennas.
Chapter -15 Reflector Antennas.
Chapter-16 Antenna Measurements. (Chapter-16 Smart Antennas.
3rd Edition only)
Chapter-17 Antenna Measurements. 3rd Edition only

You can download this book from any of the following links. If any link is dead please feel free to leave a comment.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Minor Project

The basic principle behind operation of ANTI THIEF ALARM SYSTEM is conservation of energy and transformation of one form of energy to another form of energy. The law of conservation of energy states that " Energy Can Neither Be Created Nor Destroyed But It Can Be Changer From One Form To Another". In this circuit we have conservation as well as transformation of energy with of help of different type of transducers. A transducer is a special type of device which has the feature of convening one form of energy to another form of energy. Initially the mechanical energy that is pleasure applied on the piezoelectric element is converted into its electrical equivalent due to unique characteristic of the piezoelectric .Then the electrical energy is again convened into sound energy with the help of UM3561 IC which has the special characteristic of converting electrical energy to its sound energy equivalent.

Circuit diagram of Anti thief alarm

Circuit diagram of 9Volt Regulated power supply

In ANTI THIEF ALARM SYSTEM we have conservation as well as transformation of energy with of help of different type of transducers. A TRANSDUCER is a special type of device which has the feature of converting one form of energy to another form of energy. Initially the mechanical energy that is pressure applied on the piezoelectric element is convened into its electrical equivalent due to unique characteristic of the piezoelectric .Then the electrical energy is again converted into sound energy with the help of UM3561 IC which has the special characteristic of converting electrical energy to its sound energy equivalent. This due to unique characteristic of the piezoelectric .Then the electrical energy is again converted into sound energy with the help of UM3561 IC which has the special characteristic of converting electrical energy to its sound energy equivalent. This successive transformation of energy takes place due to special type of transducers i.e.UM3561 (electrical to sound) and piezoelectric element (mechanical to electrical energy).
This circuit work on 5-12V DC supply but in this our circuit work with 9V regulated power supply. In this regulator circuit there is a 909 step down transformer which is used to step down 220V AC supply into 9V AC after this there are four 1N4007 diodes which work up to 1000V these diodes converts AC to DC then there are two electrolytic 1000uf 25V capacitors which is used to smooth the DC because capacitor can pass AC and block DC then there is a regulator IC 7809 which give 9V DC supply.

Assemble the circuit on a general purpose PCB and enclose in a suitable house made by thermacol and card board. Fix the piezoelectric element under the door mat and place the speaker in a central room inside the house using long wires. The circuit works off 5-l2V DC. This circuit works on 9V DC supply using 9V regulated power supply. The siren time can be adjusted through VR1 by changing the R-C time constant of the timer.
This project is 100% working

Saturday, 23 April 2016


As we all Know Every Bank,Government and Private Organization conducts a open competitive written examination for hiring fresh young and dynamic graduates in to their various work units.And all these organizations will end up their selection process by written test followed by group discussions/Personal Interviews.And the written test will consist of Objective Multiple choice questions with four choices covering the following sections ::
  • Quantitative Aptitude/Arithmetic Ability/Numerical Ability
  • Reasoning (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
  • General English
  • General Awareness/General Intelligence
  • Technical Ability
And Apart from all the above mentioned sections,Arithmetic/Aptitude part is an important part of the written examination and those candidates who are strong in this section can easily get through the examination.And to help you out, here we are providing all the Maths formulas starting from basic topics.You can download the Quantitative Aptitude Formulas in topic wise from the below links ::And at the last we have also uploaded the DSC Mathematics  Study Material
From the below links you can download the Maths study material useful for all Teacher Eligibility Test like APTET,DSC TRT,TNTET,PSTET,CTET etc…..

Monday, 29 February 2016





Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Computer Syllabus

Computer Syllabus

Electronics & Communication syllabus

E&C First Year Syllabus

E&C Second Year Syllabus

E&C Third Year Syllabus

Electronics & Communication syllabus

E&C First Year Syllabus

E&C Second Year Syllabus

E&C Third Year Syllabus